I'm going off the radar for a few days, so don't look for any blog posts from me until next Sunday at the earliest.
And we're off to the farm!
Welcome to Life with our Little Ladies! Join us when you can for the latest pictures and updates on our lives and the girls newest achievements.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Merry Christmas!
From a child's joy on Christmas morning to an adult's joy in making a backyard snowman...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Cookie Company
Last weekend we spent quality time with good friends and had a kid-friendly cookie decorating party. We started off baking all the cookies.....
Had some pizza while the cookies were baking
And then we got the fun started

Here are the cookies Abby and I ended up making...not too shabby. I really like my ornament cookie!

Somewhere along the way there was some (aka LOTS) of wine that made its way out. And we had these circle cookies that we couldn't figure out how to decorate. And four doctors. All of these things combined somehow into the brilliant idea of making boobie cookies.
(Laura's has a pasty, Melissa's has a nipple ring, and I made a black boobie with a nipple bar). At least we're creative!
Here are the cookies Abby and I ended up making...not too shabby. I really like my ornament cookie!
After the kids were tired of decorating, we sent them to the playroom and the adults had their turn.
Somewhere along the way there was some (aka LOTS) of wine that made its way out. And we had these circle cookies that we couldn't figure out how to decorate. And four doctors. All of these things combined somehow into the brilliant idea of making boobie cookies.
Just think about this picture the next time you see YOUR doctor!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Festival of Light
Last weekend Dave, Abby, my friend Adrienne, and I traveled down to Chickasha to see the Festival of Light. She wasn't near as excited by these lights as the others (hopefully more pics to come soon) but the ducks were definitely entertaining to her.
A far away view....
Sunday, December 13, 2009
First Sleepover
Abby had another first on Friday night...her good friend Riley came and spent the night with us while her mom was on call at the hospital. Even though they're about 1.5 years apart in age, they make pretty good friends. Riley has taught Abby such good things as "cheese" when you take a picture and "poo poo in the potty, not your diaper, Abby".
The night started off with a little dinner of nuggets, corn, and green beans. Abby had to sit at the big girl table with Riley and not in her high chair. It was pretty successful. Now we'll have to start keeping the table clean and not using it for storage.
They shared an after dinner snack of blueberries and oranges while watching Frosty.
Giving me their serious faces......
But they couldn't keep 'em straight for long!
We had bathtime ( no pics of that one....but there were bubbles ALL OVER the place!)
Then they jumped on the bed. I know that's probably not a great habit to get into, but they were having so much fun jumping and wresting I couldn't stop them!
I knew it was too quiet a little while later...I found Riley taking Abby's temperature with a plastic shooter from her little McDonald's air gun. At least it was an axillary temp....
Yep, we enjoyed the night. And the girls enjoyed each other. Made us think maybe we could handle 2. Either way, we love you, Riley, and you're welcome back anytime!
Oh Christmas Tree....
Got the Christmas tree up last weekend. With a little help from my friend....who actually created an extra 20 minutes of work for me untangling the beads.
To be honest, the ornaments are a little rearranged now since Abby likes to move them every couple of days.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Full Monty
Here's the rest of our pictures from our Thanksgiving photo shoot. My goal was to just get Abby holiday photos, but we decided to do a few family ones too. I loved the hat....unfortunately she wouldn't keep it on for more than a couple of shots.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sneak Peak.
Thanksgiving...a little late.
The pictures are out of order. They're going to stay out of order. But I'll narrate....
This is Sunday night, after the flurry of food and family, just Abby in her footy PJs hanging happily on our living room floor with her blankie and binky.
Lucy the Dog came with my sister's family for Thanksgiving this year. Abby, obviously, made a new friend.
The product of Black Friday shopping...nine hours of it.
Playing blocks with Aunt Tammy...not sure who's having more fun.
This one cracks me up.....such a college student. Must sleep....can't let go of iphone....
Jasmine, enjoying our turkey triphecta. I was totally disappointed in the fried turkey....did NOT live up to my 10 year old memeory AT ALL.
The turkey smoker caught ON FIRE.....this is not supposed to happen. Luckily, the turkey was already dead.
The men, working on said dead turkey.
Abby got a sneak preview of Thanksgiving dinner since she couldn't wait for the 12:30 start time.
And I would like to say....just a quick reminder...that I'm thankful for each and every one of you who take the time to pop on over and read what we're up to. Yep, each and every one. Like, all 3 of you. Love you guys!
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