As promised a few weeks ago, here's the now- corrected "DeLeon" sign that's hanging by our front door. Mom and I stained it a couple of weeks ago and I got it hung-- just took me a while to actually download the pictures!
Welcome to Life with our Little Ladies! Join us when you can for the latest pictures and updates on our lives and the girls newest achievements.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday Night
A mostly "adult" post....
Dave worked most of the weekend because it's his weekend to cover the clinic's patients who are admitted to the hospital, so we didn't see a whole lot of each other. We've hung out a bit tonight and are trying to have some family time and watch Sunday Night Footbal (go Colts!). However, Abby's currently in the midst of a drama queen meltdown-- she didn't eat many carrots at dinner and threw her plate on the floor, so she got a time out and now can't have any of Daddy's ice cream. I'll spare you the picture. It's a rough life for a toddler.
Even though Dave worked most of the weekend, Abby and I were productive. I finished staining our family name sign and might even get it hung up before bed tonight-- I'll post a picture if I do. I painted over all the dings, scratchings, and crayon marks on our walls-- even the big red area by the head of our bed that our red flannel sheets decided to share will the wall. Got my oil changed. Made a fake flower arrangement for mom to match their new furniture.
And perhaps the biggest project of all, I'm in the midst of replacing a few segments of baseboard that the cats peed on after we brought Abby home. I got the boards pulled off the wall today (with only minor drywall damage- go me!), matched at Lowe's, and now I just need to paint them. Dad's going to come help me cut and replace them in a couple of days....yeah!!
You might think we were thinking about buying a new house or something.......
I've got some ideas for our kitchen cabinets too, but that might have to wait until after the new year. Or Christmas vacation....
Abby and I went to Dave's office last week to check things out and meet his office staff. He's got 3 lovely ladies who work with him, and Abby was putty in their hands after she was gifted with a lollipop.
Outside his waiting room.....
His office....a work in progress. Notice Abby's sippy cup on the desk. The diplomas are all at Hobby Lobby being framed now, so at least the wall will have something on it soon. I can't help the mess.
And the sign outside the building showing Dave and his partners.
As for me, interview season for residency applicants has started, so I'm up to my eyeballs in applications and interview days. And working on finding a job for next year. I'm making progress on the job deal, so hopefully I'll have some news relatively soon!
And, just in case you were wondering, Dave gave in and she's currently enjoying a spoonful of ice cream! Who's the REAL softy???
Friday, November 13, 2009
Riley's 3rd
Last Sunday we went to small birthday party for Abby's good friend Riley. They go to daycare together (although in separate rooms), and I work and am good friends with her mom. Here's Riley with her cake...really this is the only picture she looked happy about having a cake. Most of them she looked kind of peeved about the whole situation.
No matter what, Abby enjoyed the cake. And the ice cream. And the sugary beverage. See where I'm going with this?
While all the other kids enjoyed "helping" Riley open her presents.....
Mine mostly rolled around on the floor screaming and having multiple meltdowns. Luckily, we're all friends, and we've all had toddlers at one point, so we mostly ignored her.
Happy 3rd birthday, Riley!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dressy Thursday
We don't dress up around here very often. Especially not the kind of dressing up that involves tights. So we have to show it off when we do!
Please note the matching hairbow courtesy of maggieandemilie on ebay--I highly recommend them. And also please note the crayon tatoos on baby's head. If anyone knows how to get crayon off of cabbage patch skin, please let me know. I do know that bleach, comet, goo be gone, pinesol, and plain old kitchen soap do not work.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Fuzzy Focus
There's nothing terribly cute about this picture. In fact, Abby looks less than thrilled to even be in it. But it's a little artsy, and I really like it. So I thought I'd share.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
Here's a few pictures from our visit to the pumpkin patch a couple of weeks ago. We went to, and I highly recommend it to anyone who's in the area!
Starting off the day getting ready to get on the hayride.....
Walking in the middle of the corn maze.....
We stopped for a family picture in the middle of the corn....
Abby found her pumpkin all on her own....
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Bringing Home A Baby Bumblebee
Won't my Mommy be so Proud of Me....
(I am...just in case you were wondering!)
This year Abby was a bumblebee. It was actually her costume from last year, but was way too big last year and fit perfect this year! The first few are from a work Halloween party on the 24th, and the rest are from Norman Halloween on the 30th. She didn't really trick or treat since she doesn't really need candy, but we showed her off to the neighbors!
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