It's hard to believe it's been a year. And this little 8 pound thing is now almost 25 pounds. She's tall too, and she has a big head (but you wouldn't know it to look at her!) She's walking pretty well.
She says mama, dada, meme, papa, abby, baby, and bye bye.

(forgot the 3 was christmas time and we were moving!)

She's starting to feed herself, drinks out of a sippee cup, and is onto milk.

She's started in daycare, sleeps about 10 hours at night, and goes to sleep easily by herself (although she sometimes gets rocked too).

She has the BEST laugh. She loves her big sister best. She is always a happy baby, but is happiest in the mornig when she first wakes up.
Still has clear blue eyes with a little brown in the center.

She has 6 beautiful little teeth, which she'll gladly bite you with if you get too close.

(forgot the 11 month too...oh well!)

And I can't remember life in our family without her. Happy birthday, beautiful girl!!