Monday, August 30, 2010

34 (+) weeks

In keeping with true DeLeon tradition, I'm behind. But, in my defense, I've been diligently attending to the needs of the sick children in the hospital. And it's been a busy month. An interesting month filled with oddball diagnoses. As my fellow doctor friend Kate said, "sometimes interesting is a four letter word." This month, I agree.
But, better late than never, right? Here's a few 34 week pictures for you to see!

My view...obviously have no idea what the feet look like now, which is probably preferable given that I no longer fit into most of my shoes.

I'm almost 36 weeks now....3 more days and I'll be the most pregnant I've ever been. Which is pretty exciting. I'd like to bake her for at least 2 more weeks and then I'm sure I'll be ready. I've got another OB appt on Thursday, but last week everything looked great! I'm GBS positive, which my doctor friends will understand, so I'm a little bummed. Stupid hospital contaminated me because I wasn't with Abby!
But as my OB said, I'll just get some antibiotics during labor and it won't be a big deal. Just a good excuse to come in early in labor and get an epidural!
Nesting post coming soon......

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