Yes, she's 10 months already. But I'm behind, badly. Before I post the 10 month in the next day or two, I thought I should put these up!
Livi, you are getting too big! You can crawl like a madwoman, but you usually throw your right leg out on the side to give yourself an extra push instead of being up on both knees. You have two bottom teeth. You've mastered stage 3 baby foods and are starting to eat some table food.
You weigh 21 pounds and are just over 28 inches tall. You are a chunk-- Abby calls you our Chunky Dunky (she's trying to say Chunky Monkey).
You usually take a short morning nap and a longer afternoon nap, and you sleep about 10-11 hours straight at night. You are the happiest baby, especially in the mornings when you wake up.
And, just cause she's the most awesome big sister, here's one of Abby. She's got the cutest, most perfect little heart shaped face I've ever seen!
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