Sunday, April 5, 2009

Her favorite present......

What the birthday car was intended for.....

What the DeLeons use it for......

And, sadly enough, there are specific instructions on why NOT to do this in the instruction manual. But how much fun is she having!!!


Jon & Ashley McP said...

At least there are doctors around to save her life if something should happen. You have no idea how jealous I was when I saw her in a short sleeve shirt:( One day Molly too will expose her skin to the sun (maybe in a year or two).

Jon & Ashley McP said...

Clearly this child was meant to be a free spirit who will not be constrained by mere guidelines in some instruction manual. Also, having Drs available will aid in fixing any unintended consequences. Great pictures – thanks for sharing. Molly Frances is not quite ready for that much action just yet. But one day soon. Bert

TJ said...

She felt "the need.....the need for speed". Normal life just isn't exciting enough!