Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm unfortunately back on wards, and while that means I'm curing sick kids from across Oklahoma, I haven't spent very much time with my own little one. Which also means Dave's been on Daddy duty for the past week. I think it's been good for him to see what all I do on a regular basis...the laundry doesn't magically get done, the fairies don't wash Abby's bottles every night. But he took good care of her and I think it was a good bonding time for them. And THIS is what I found on the camera today.....
Maybe I need to rethink "good" care. And, needless to say, her toes have been thoroughly cleaned!
Michael says "ha ha ha" but her Aunt Tammy is thoroughly grossed out! Tell Dave he's going to make her stutter with the whole belly thing!
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