Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Time to be Sick...

And, my final post for today, is just an update on butter butt. She's gone from my happy smiley child to a clingy whiny one, but really, that's how I feel too, so I can't be upset with her. She's still having intermittent fevers but tylenol seems to help, and she's back taking milk again instead of pedialyte for the most part. I truly think she has parvovirus, but she's well hydrated so there's not a whole lot to do right now. We've had a bonding weekending lying on the couch together watching Planet Earth. And yes, it's my fault she's sick, I have no doubt that I brought goobers home from the hospital.


Jon & Ashley McP said...

Still can't get over the rosy cheeks!

TJ said...

If I didn't know how icky she felt with those rosy cheeks, it would be ever so much cuter. Bless her little heart. We always wish that we could be sick for them.