Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Warning: Mimi will not like these pictures. However, I assure you that no small toddlers, beds, or husbands were broken during wrestlemania 2009.

The staredown

The hangman

The sidehold

Upclose sidehold

Screams of joy

The freefall

Still smiling.....

Ready for Round II

The flip

Another freefall

And one happy, tired-out girl.


TJ said...

I'm just sayin' - naked watermelon is MUCH SAFER than this looks! :-)

mlindenau said...


Jasmine said...

The freefall and flip kinda flipped me out, but she looks like shes having so much fun!


Whitney and Carl said...

OMG those pictures free falling! Love it.. I am sure that was fun with a lot of laughter!

Whitney and Carl said...
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