Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tornado Tuesday

As I'm sure you've seen on the news, there was a huge outbreak of tornados in Oklahoma today. Dave and I both left work early and we were all home in time to closely monitor the weather. Here are a couple of cloud pictures AFTER we came out of the closet!

We tried to make hanging out in the closet "fun" and not scary for Abby, so Dave told her we were going camping. She seemed to buy it, dutifully put on her bicycle helmet, and grabbed a couple of toys. Dave had the news station streaming online (and checked facebook while we were waiting).

We were in the closet for about 20 minutes or so before we felt safe enough to come out. No major damage around our neighborhood, although it did rain insulation for a while. I don't even want to think about where the insulation came from.

My prayers tonight are for a missing 3yo little boy who was ripped from his mother's arms while they were in a bathtub about 45 minutes from here, and for the other Oklahomans who lost so much today.

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